cvl-robot's diary

研究ノート メモメモ



typedef struct _MOTOR_Vars_t_
  bool Flag_enableSys;
  bool Flag_Run_Identify;
  bool Flag_MotorIdentified;
  bool Flag_enableForceAngle;
  bool Flag_enableFieldWeakening;
  bool Flag_enableRsRecalc;
  bool Flag_enableUserParams;
  bool Flag_enableOffsetcalc;
  bool Flag_enablePowerWarp;
  bool Flag_enableSpeedCtrl;

  bool Flag_enableRun;
  bool Flag_RunState;
  bool Flag_enableFlyingStart;

  CTRL_State_e CtrlState;         // Read Only
  EST_State_e EstState;           // Read Only

  USER_ErrorCode_e UserErrorCode;

  CTRL_Version CtrlVersion;

  _iq IdRef_A;
  _iq IqRef_A;
  _iq SpeedRef_pu;
  _iq SpeedRef_krpm;
  _iq SpeedTraj_krpm;             // Read Only
  _iq MaxAccel_krpmps;
  _iq Speed_krpm;                 // Read Only
  _iq OverModulation;
  _iq RsOnLineCurrent_A;
  _iq SvgenMaxModulation_ticks;
  _iq Flux_Wb;                    // Read Only
  _iq Torque_Nm;                  // Read Only

  float_t MagnCurr_A;             // Read Only
  float_t Rr_Ohm;                 // Read Only
  float_t Rs_Ohm;                 // Read Only
  float_t RsOnLine_Ohm;
  float_t Lsd_H;                  // Read Only
  float_t Lsq_H;                  // Read Only
  float_t Flux_VpHz;              // Read Only

  float_t ipd_excFreq_Hz;
  _iq     ipd_Kspd;
  _iq     ipd_excMag_coarse_pu;
  _iq     ipd_excMag_fine_pu;
  float   ipd_waitTime_coarse_sec;
  float   ipd_waitTime_fine_sec;

  _iq Kp_spd;
  _iq Ki_spd;

  _iq Kp_Idq;
  _iq Ki_Idq;

  _iq Vd;
  _iq Vq;
  _iq Vs;
  _iq VsRef;
  _iq VdcBus_kV;                   // Read Only

  _iq Id_A;
  _iq Iq_A;
  _iq Is_A;

  MATH_vec3 I_bias;
  MATH_vec3 V_bias;

  _iq SpeedSet_krpm;

  _iq angle_sen_pu;
  _iq angle_est_pu;
  _iq speed_sen_pu;
  _iq speed_est_pu;

  _iq speedHigh_hall2fast_pu;
  _iq speedLow_hall2fast_pu;




#define _IQ24(A) (long) ((A) * 16777216.0L)


#include <stdio.h>

long float_to_iq24(float a, unsigned char* lower, unsigned char* upper)
    long b = (long)(a * 16777216.0L) >> 8;
    *lower = (b%0x100)&0xff;
    *upper = (b/0x100)&0xff;
    return b;

float _iq24l_to_float(long b)
    float a = (b<<8)/16777216.0;
    return a;

float _iq24_to_float(unsigned char lower, unsigned char upper)
    long b = (upper<<8) + lower;
    return _iq24l_to_float(b);

int main(void){
    float a = 0.1;
    long b = (long)(a * 16777216.0L) >> 8;
    printf("dec=%f, _iq=%ld, lower_byte=%d, upper_byte=%d\n", a, b, (b%0x100)&0xff, (b/0x100)&0xff);

    unsigned char l, u;
    long lo;
    lo = float_to_iq24(a, &l, &u);
    printf("float_to_iq24: %f %ld %d %d\n", a, lo, l, u);
    float f;
    f = _iq24_to_float(l, u);
    printf("_iq24_to_float: %f %d %d\n", f, l, u);
    f = _iq24l_to_float(lo);
    printf("_iq24_to_float: %f %ld", f, lo);

Web-based online coding environment | paiza.IO
dec=0.100000, _iq=6553, lower_byte=153, upper_byte=25



//! \brief Enumeration for the controller states
typedef enum {
  CTRL_State_Error=0,           //!< the controller error state
  CTRL_State_Idle,              //!< the controller idle state
  CTRL_State_OffLine,           //!< the controller offline state
  CTRL_State_OnLine,            //!< the controller online state
  CTRL_numStates                //!< the number of controller states
} CTRL_State_e;


//! \brief Enumeration for the estimator error codes
typedef enum
  EST_ErrorCode_NoError=0,               //!< no error error code
  EST_ErrorCode_Flux_OL_ShiftOverFlow,   //!< flux open loop shift overflow error code
  EST_ErrorCode_FluxError,               //!< flux estimator error code
  EST_ErrorCode_Dir_ShiftOverFlow,       //!< direction shift overflow error code
  EST_ErrorCode_Ind_ShiftOverFlow,       //!< inductance shift overflow error code
  EST_numErrorCodes                      //!< the number of estimator error codes
} EST_ErrorCode_e;

//! \brief Enumeration for the estimator states
typedef enum
  EST_State_Error=0,            //!< error
  EST_State_Idle,               //!< idle
  EST_State_RoverL,             //!< R/L estimation
  EST_State_Rs,                 //!< Rs estimation state
  EST_State_RampUp,             //!< ramp up the speed
#if !defined(FAST_ROM_V1p6) && !defined(FAST_ROM_V1p7)
  EST_State_ConstSpeed,         //!< constant speed after ramp up
  EST_State_IdRated,            //!< control Id and estimate the rated flux
  EST_State_RatedFlux_OL,       //!< estimate the open loop rated flux
  EST_State_RatedFlux,          //!< estimate the rated flux 
  EST_State_RampDown,           //!< ramp down the speed 
  EST_State_LockRotor,          //!< lock the rotor
  EST_State_Ls,                 //!< stator inductance estimation state
  EST_State_Rr,                 //!< rotor resistance estimation state
  EST_State_MotorIdentified,    //!< motor identified state
  EST_State_OnLine,             //!< online parameter estimation
  EST_numStates                 //!< the number of estimator states
} EST_State_e;
//! \brief Enumeration for the user error codes
typedef enum
  USER_ErrorCode_NoError=0,                           //!< no error error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleCurrent_A_High=1,         //!< iqFullScaleCurrent_A too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleCurrent_A_Low=2,          //!< iqFullScaleCurrent_A too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleVoltage_V_High=3,         //!< iqFullScaleVoltage_V too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleVoltage_V_Low=4,          //!< iqFullScaleVoltage_V too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleFreq_Hz_High=5,           //!< iqFullScaleFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_iqFullScaleFreq_Hz_Low=6,            //!< iqFullScaleFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numPwmTicksPerIsrTick_High=7,        //!< numPwmTicksPerIsrTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numPwmTicksPerIsrTick_Low=8,         //!< numPwmTicksPerIsrTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numIsrTicksPerCtrlTick_High=9,       //!< numIsrTicksPerCtrlTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numIsrTicksPerCtrlTick_Low=10,       //!< numIsrTicksPerCtrlTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerCurrentTick_High=11,  //!< numCtrlTicksPerCurrentTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerCurrentTick_Low=12,   //!< numCtrlTicksPerCurrentTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerEstTick_High=13,      //!< numCtrlTicksPerEstTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerEstTick_Low=14,       //!< numCtrlTicksPerEstTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerSpeedTick_High=15,    //!< numCtrlTicksPerSpeedTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerSpeedTick_Low=16,     //!< numCtrlTicksPerSpeedTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick_High=17,     //!< numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick_Low=18,      //!< numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCurrentSensors_High=19,           //!< numCurrentSensors too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numCurrentSensors_Low=20,            //!< numCurrentSensors too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numVoltageSensors_High=21,           //!< numVoltageSensors too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_numVoltageSensors_Low=22,            //!< numVoltageSensors too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_offsetPole_rps_High=23,              //!< offsetPole_rps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_offsetPole_rps_Low=24,               //!< offsetPole_rps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxPole_rps_High=25,                //!< fluxPole_rps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxPole_rps_Low=26,                 //!< fluxPole_rps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_zeroSpeedLimit_High=27,              //!< zeroSpeedLimit too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_zeroSpeedLimit_Low=28,               //!< zeroSpeedLimit too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_forceAngleFreq_Hz_High=29,           //!< forceAngleFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_forceAngleFreq_Hz_Low=30,            //!< forceAngleFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxAccel_Hzps_High=31,               //!< maxAccel_Hzps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxAccel_Hzps_Low=32,                //!< maxAccel_Hzps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxAccel_est_Hzps_High=33,           //!< maxAccel_est_Hzps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxAccel_est_Hzps_Low=34,            //!< maxAccel_est_Hzps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_directionPole_rps_High=35,           //!< directionPole_rps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_directionPole_rps_Low=36,            //!< directionPole_rps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_speedPole_rps_High=37,               //!< speedPole_rps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_speedPole_rps_Low=38,                //!< speedPole_rps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_dcBusPole_rps_High=39,               //!< dcBusPole_rps too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_dcBusPole_rps_Low=40,                //!< dcBusPole_rps too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxFraction_High=41,                //!< fluxFraction too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxFraction_Low=42,                 //!< fluxFraction too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_indEst_speedMaxFraction_High=43,     //!< indEst_speedMaxFraction too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_indEst_speedMaxFraction_Low=44,      //!< indEst_speedMaxFraction too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_powerWarpGain_High=45,               //!< powerWarpGain too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_powerWarpGain_Low=46,                //!< powerWarpGain too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_systemFreq_MHz_High=47,              //!< systemFreq_MHz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_systemFreq_MHz_Low=48,               //!< systemFreq_MHz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_pwmFreq_kHz_High=49,                 //!< pwmFreq_kHz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_pwmFreq_kHz_Low=50,                  //!< pwmFreq_kHz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_voltage_sf_High=51,                  //!< voltage_sf too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_voltage_sf_Low=52,                   //!< voltage_sf too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_current_sf_High=53,                  //!< current_sf too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_current_sf_Low=54,                   //!< current_sf too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_voltageFilterPole_Hz_High=55,        //!< voltageFilterPole_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_voltageFilterPole_Hz_Low=56,         //!< voltageFilterPole_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxVsMag_pu_High=57,                 //!< maxVsMag_pu too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxVsMag_pu_Low=58,                  //!< maxVsMag_pu too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_estKappa_High=59,                    //!< estKappa too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_estKappa_Low=60,                     //!< estKappa too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_type_Unknown=61,               //!< motor type unknown error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_numPolePairs_High=62,          //!< motor_numPolePairs too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_numPolePairs_Low=63,           //!< motor_numPolePairs too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_ratedFlux_High=64,             //!< motor_ratedFlux too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_ratedFlux_Low=65,              //!< motor_ratedFlux too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Rr_High=66,                    //!< motor_Rr too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Rr_Low=67,                     //!< motor_Rr too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Rs_High=68,                    //!< motor_Rs too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Rs_Low=69,                     //!< motor_Rs too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Ls_d_High=70,                  //!< motor_Ls_d too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Ls_d_Low=71,                   //!< motor_Ls_d too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Ls_q_High=72,                  //!< motor_Ls_q too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_motor_Ls_q_Low=73,                   //!< motor_Ls_q too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_High=74,                  //!< maxCurrent too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_Low=75,                   //!< maxCurrent too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_resEst_High=76,           //!< maxCurrent_resEst too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_resEst_Low=77,            //!< maxCurrent_resEst too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_indEst_High=78,           //!< maxCurrent_indEst too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrent_indEst_Low=79,            //!< maxCurrent_indEst too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrentSlope_High=80,             //!< maxCurrentSlope too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrentSlope_Low=81,              //!< maxCurrentSlope too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrentSlope_powerWarp_High=82,   //!< maxCurrentSlope_powerWarp too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxCurrentSlope_powerWarp_Low=83,    //!< maxCurrentSlope_powerWarp too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRated_High=84,                     //!< IdRated too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRated_Low=85,                      //!< IdRated too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRatedFraction_indEst_High=86,      //!< IdRatedFraction_indEst too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRatedFraction_indEst_Low=87,       //!< IdRatedFraction_indEst too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRatedFraction_ratedFlux_High=88,   //!< IdRatedFraction_ratedFlux too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRatedFraction_ratedFlux_Low=89,    //!< IdRatedFraction_ratedFlux too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRated_delta_High=90,               //!< IdRated_delta too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_IdRated_delta_Low=91,                //!< IdRated_delta too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxEstFreq_Hz_High=92,              //!< fluxEstFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_fluxEstFreq_Hz_Low=93,               //!< fluxEstFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_ctrlFreq_Hz_High=94,                 //!< ctrlFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_ctrlFreq_Hz_Low=95,                  //!< ctrlFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_estFreq_Hz_High=96,                  //!< estFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_estFreq_Hz_Low=97,                   //!< estFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_RoverL_estFreq_Hz_High=98,           //!< RoverL_estFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_RoverL_estFreq_Hz_Low=99,            //!< RoverL_estFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_trajFreq_Hz_High=100,                //!< trajFreq_Hz too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_trajFreq_Hz_Low=101,                 //!< trajFreq_Hz too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_ctrlPeriod_sec_High=102,             //!< ctrlPeriod_sec too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_ctrlPeriod_sec_Low=103,              //!< ctrlPeriod_sec too low error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxNegativeIdCurrent_a_High=104,     //!< maxNegativeIdCurrent_a too high error code
  USER_ErrorCode_maxNegativeIdCurrent_a_Low=105,      //!< maxNegativeIdCurrent_a too low error code
  USER_numErrorCodes=106                              //!< the number of user error codes
} USER_ErrorCode_e;
//! \brief Defines the controller (CTRL) version number
typedef struct _CTRL_Version_
  uint16_t rsvd;                 //!< reserved value
  CTRL_TargetProc_e targetProc;  //!< the target processor
  uint16_t major;                //!< the major release number
  uint16_t minor;                //!< the minor release number
} CTRL_Version;




void updateGlobalVariables_motor(CTRL_Handle handle)の中で、ループ中に随時パラメータの更新が行われています。したがって、これらのパラメータは基本的に読み込み専用です。

void updateGlobalVariables_motor(CTRL_Handle handle)
  CTRL_Obj *obj = (CTRL_Obj *)handle;

  // get the speed estimate
  gMotorVars.Speed_krpm = EST_getSpeed_krpm(obj->estHandle);

  // get the real time speed reference coming out of the speed trajectory generator
  gMotorVars.SpeedTraj_krpm = _IQmpy(CTRL_getSpd_int_ref_pu(handle),EST_get_pu_to_krpm_sf(obj->estHandle));

  // get the torque estimate
  gMotorVars.Torque_Nm = USER_computeTorque_Nm(handle, gTorque_Flux_Iq_pu_to_Nm_sf, gTorque_Ls_Id_Iq_pu_to_Nm_sf);

  // get the magnetizing current
  gMotorVars.MagnCurr_A = EST_getIdRated(obj->estHandle);

  // get the rotor resistance
  gMotorVars.Rr_Ohm = EST_getRr_Ohm(obj->estHandle);

  // get the stator resistance
  gMotorVars.Rs_Ohm = EST_getRs_Ohm(obj->estHandle);

  // get the stator inductance in the direct coordinate direction
  gMotorVars.Lsd_H = EST_getLs_d_H(obj->estHandle);

  // get the stator inductance in the quadrature coordinate direction
  gMotorVars.Lsq_H = EST_getLs_q_H(obj->estHandle);

  // get the flux in V/Hz in floating point
  gMotorVars.Flux_VpHz = EST_getFlux_VpHz(obj->estHandle);

  // get the flux in Wb in fixed point
  gMotorVars.Flux_Wb = USER_computeFlux(handle, gFlux_pu_to_Wb_sf);

  // get the controller state
  gMotorVars.CtrlState = CTRL_getState(handle);

  // get the estimator state
  gMotorVars.EstState = EST_getState(obj->estHandle);

  // Get the DC buss voltage
  gMotorVars.VdcBus_kV = _IQmpy(gAdcData.dcBus,_IQ(USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V/1000.0));

} // end of updateGlobalVariables_motor() function



#define	Flag_enable			0x00	// bool
#define	Flag_Run_Identify		0x01	// bool
#define	Flag_MotorIdentified		0x02	// bool
#define	Flag_enableForceAngle		0x03	// bool
#define	Flag_enableFieldWeakening	0x04	// bool
#define	Flag_enableRsRecalc		0x05	// bool
#define	Flag_enableUserParam		0x06	// bool
#define	Flag_enableOffsetcalc		0x07	// bool
#define	Flag_enablePowerWarp		0x08	// bool
#define	Flag_enableSpeedCtrl		0x09	// bool
#define	Flag_enableRun			0x0A	// bool
#define	Flag_RunState			0x0B	// bool
#define	Flag_enableFlyingStart		0x0C	// bool
#define	CtrlState			0x0D	// CTRL_State_e
#define	EstState			0x0E	// EST_State_e
#define	UserErrorCode			0x0F	// USER_ErrorCode_e
#define	CtrlVersion			0x10	// CTRL_Version
#define	IdRef_A				0x14	// _iq	
#define	IqRef_A				0x16	// _iq
#define	SpeedRef_pu			0x18	// _iq
#define	SpeedRef_krpm			0x1A	// _iq
#define	SpeedTraj_krpm			0x1C	// _iq
#define	MaxAccel_krpmps			0x1E	// _iq
#define	Speed_krpm			0x20	// _iq
#define	OverModulation			0x22	// _iq
#define	RsOnLineCurrent_A		0x24	// _iq
#define	SvgenMaxModulation_ticks	0x26	// _iq
#define	Flux_Wb				0x28	// _iq
#define	Torque_Nm			0x2A	// _iq
#define	MagnCurr_A			0x2C	// float_t
#define	Rr_Ohm				0x2E	// float_t
#define	Rs_Ohm				0x30	// float_t
#define	RsOnLine_Ohm			0x32	// float_t
#define	Lsd_H				0x34	// float_t
#define	Lsq_H				0x36	// float_t
#define	Flux_VpHz			0x38	// float_t
#define	ipd_excFreq_Hz			0x3A	// float_t
#define	ipd_Kspd			0x3C	// _iq
#define	ipd_excMag_coarse_pu		0x3E	// _iq
#define	ipd_excMag_fine_pu		0x40	// _iq
#define	ipd_waitTime_coarse_set		0x42	// float
#define	ipd_waitTime_fine_sec		0x44	// float
#define	Kp_spq				0x46	// _iq
#define	Ki_spd				0x48	// _iq
#define	Kp_Idq				0x4A	// _iq
#define	Kp_Idq				0x4C	// _iq
#define	Vd				0x4E	// _iq
#define	Vq				0x50	// _iq
#define	Vs				0x52	// _iq
#define	VsRef				0x54	// _iq
#define	VdcBufKV			0x56	// _iq
#define	Id_A				0x58	// _iq
#define	Iq_A				0x5A	// _iq
#define	Is_A				0x5C	// _iq
#define	I_bias				0x5E	// MATH_vec3
#define	V_bias				0x64	// MATH_vec3
#define	SpeedSet_krpm			0x6A	// _iq
#define	angle_sen_pu			0x6C	// _iq
#define	angle_est_pu			0x6E	// _iq
#define	speed_sen_pu			0x70	// _iq
#define	speed_est_pu			0x72	// _iq
#define	speedHigh_hall2fast_pu		0x74	// _iq
#define	speedLow_hall2fast_pu		0x76	// _iq